Post-Hearing Motions

Post-Hearing Motions

Sometimes clients are unhappy with a final judgment. Although it can be exceedingly difficult to overturn a judgment, you may be able to take action if you believe there is a mistake in a judgment or if you think the judgment is not supported by the evidence before the Court.

The Massachusetts Rules of Domestic Relations Procedure provide for several types of post-hearing motions:


  • Rule 52 addresses a Motion to Amend Findings of Fact
  • Rule 52 addresses a Motion to Amend Conclusions of Law
  • Rule 59 addresses a Motion for a New Trial
  • Rule 59(e) addresses a Motion to Amend Judgment
  • Rule 60 addresses a Motion for Relief from Judgment or Order.


Standing Order 2-99 details the procedure to file and serve one of these motions.


Post-hearing motions are tricky, high-stakes, and time-sensitive, so it is crucial that you consult with an attorney before pursuing one.